Orthopedic Surgeon Fort Mill SC


Joint Replacement in Fort Mill, SC

At SpecOrtho, our orthopaedic clinic in Fort Mill, SC specializes in providing exceptional orthopaedic care, particularly in joint replacement surgery. Dr. Tallerico understands the importance of clarity and support throughout your joint replacement journey. Joint pain can arise from various reasons, unique to each patient. Whether it’s arthritis, joint degeneration, or another condition, understanding the underlying cause is crucial in exploring the most effective treatment options. At SpecOrtho, Dr. Tallerico is dedicated to helping you find relief from your joint pain.

We recognize that managing joint pain can be a complex process. Patients often undergo various conservative treatments before considering surgical intervention. If you’ve found little relief from medications and other non-surgical approaches, you may be a candidate for Mako Total Knee, Total Hip, or Partial Knee replacement. We understand that knowing what to expect from your joint replacement experience is important to you. Call our office at (803) 548-6464 to schedule an appointment.

How Mako Works

Mako is an innovative solution for many suffering from painful arthritis of the knee or hip. It all starts with a CT scan so Dr. Tallerico can know more about your anatomy.

The CT scan is used to create a 3D CT-based model of your joint. Dr. Tallerico uses this 3D model to create a personalized surgical plan and assist your surgeon in performing your joint replacement procedure.

In the operating room, your surgeon follows your personalized surgical plan while preparing the bone for the implant. Dr. Tallericon guides Mako’s robotic arm within the predefined area, and Mako’s AccuStopTM technology helps the surgeon stay within the planned boundaries that were defined when the personalized preoperative plan was created.

Mako CT Scan.


It’s important to understand that the surgery is performed by Dr. Tallerico an orthopaedic surgeon, who guides Mako’s robotic arm during the surgery to position the implant in the knee and hip joints. Mako does not perform surgery, make decisions on its own or move without the surgeon guiding it. Mako also allows your surgeon to make adjustments to your plan during surgery as needed.

Total knee vs. Partial knee replacement

  • Based on the severity of the arthritis in the knee, total or partial knee replacement may be recommended by a surgeon. Both procedures involve Dr. Tallerico to guide Mako’s robotic arm to remove diseased bone and cartilage.

Partial knee replacement.

Mako for Partial Knee replacement

  •   Mako for partial knee replacement is a treatment option for adults living with early- to midstage osteoarthritis (OA) that has not yet progressed to all three compartments of the knee. Depending on where the arthritis affects the knee, patients may have an implant inserted in any of the following areas:

Diagram of a knee.

Total Knee Replacement

  • In comparison, Mako for Total Knee replacement is a treatment option for adults living with mid- to late-stage osteoarthritis of the knee. With a Mako Total Knee replacement, the entire knee joint is replaced, and the surgeon inserts a Triathlon Total Knee implant. With over a decade of clinical history, Triathlon knee replacements are different than traditional knee replacements because they are designed to work with the body to promote natural-like circular motion.

Total Hip Replacement

  • Mako for Total Hip replacement is intended for patients who suffer from noninflammatory or inflammatory degenerative joint disease (DJD). Some forms of DJD include osteoarthritis (OA), post-traumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), avascular necrosis (AVN) and hip dysplasia.

An arthritic hip.

Replaced hip.


Schedule a Consultation With Dr. Tallerico

If you’ve found little relief from medications and other non-surgical approaches, you may be a candidate for Mako Total Knee, Total Hip, or Partial Knee replacement. Call our office at (803) 548-6464 to schedule an appointment.

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